Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend... or week

Since it seems nobody actually reads the shit I write I can pretty much vent without anyone caring
So it all started out probably when my girlfriend bailed out on my little, "Hey lets have sex" plan
I did have it almost figured out but then reality struck and she is pretty much busy every fucking day of the fucking week
Horrible start.
But it gets better, no really... the good part was that she promised me at least to 3rd... base that is
So goody for me :)
The next thing would probably be on this actual day. It started out with me going to a Thanksgiving football game because my girlfriend had, "Plans". Little did I know so did my brother. He didn't drop me off like I wanted him to, he came along and met up with some old friends... They are cool guys and that day they taught me something. When I was with them, just us friends, I was having a good time. Then my gf texted me.... well... I didn't really want to leave. I knew, or thought I knew how it was gonna go. Talk for a little, awkward silence, makeout. For any other man this would be fine but not for me. I finally figured out what my brothers have been blabbing on about ever since I wrote the post, "To All The MEN Out There". Sex isn't really everything. It's all about getting to know each other, taking it steady and not just jumping into sex... Although I'd really like to. You need to love someone to actually MAKE love. It might just sound like a bunch of bull shit to anyone else but after today... well.... right now it would be yesterday... I actually know what they are saying. Anyway, back to the story. There's something to be said for just kissing and not sticking your tongue in the other persons mouth every fucking second. I go to my gf and there was no awkward silence, I just kept her laughing and it was kinda nice. But then she kissed me. I almost needed the fucking Heimlich after that piece of crapmuffins kiss. I swear she had doubled my saliva count and she left a good pool of her spit all over my mouth. I almost gagged. I tried to make it just a kiss but it's like her tongue was a battering ram finding its way into my mouth every time I try to keep it out. I ended that little adventure about 5-7 minutes early because I just couldn't handle it. I found my brother and he went home. I wouldn't like to bore you with the intimate details of my spectacular disaster of a mother so I won't. Frankly, I'm just to lazy to write about that.... It could possibly be a whole post of its own.
Dinner time had come and we left. We go to a friends house every year and eat there. There lives the most gorgeous being alive. Think of... uhh... the most beautiful (not hot) beautiful thing alive. Multiply that by five.... make it ten and then turn it Asian. That lies the most beautiful, smart, athletic, humorous, did I mention beautiful person in the whole world. Now everyone must be wondering, "Why not ask her out?". Well I'll tell you why. She is a year older than me. Just a year I know but to women, a year can be like 10 years. I'm in high school. Upperclassmen girls just don't go out with underclassmen boys. But I've decided that I really don't care. I've watched the movie Valentines Day 2-5 times because I have nothing else to do with my worthless life and I decided I will wait until then, Valentines Day, then I will... or attempt to tell her about herself... complicated? Life's complicated.
Since I'm going on about it, I might as well enlighten whoever reads about the story of how we met and how I began to have hormones. We were only friends because our older brothers were best friends and our parents just kinda made it possible to hang out together. Soon enough, we became good friends as well. Then I felt it for the first time. No, not a boner. In lack of a better term, "When your heart goes, BUMBUM BUMBUM" (Line from Valentine's Day). I remember it so well (FLASHBAAAAACK!) we were playing basketball and the ball rolled down a hill that we had at our old house. I went to go get it and she quoted Finding Nemo. She was calling me squishy. I didn't know it then but I liked it when she did, it was kind of like a pet name for me.... Then I moved.... across the country.... Then I moved back but in the town over. We go to the same school but it feels like that God damn move killed any chance that I had with her. Now I'm stuck with my gf with more saliva then a dog.
The worst part of it was. We went to see a movie... and not even a good-bye at the end. Not even the slightest hug or anything.

So there it is
I went from flabby to horny to possibly in love (I would say that I actually am in love.... but its more like deep like.... Love doesn't exist at my age)

Laugh at me and you die