Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend... or week

Since it seems nobody actually reads the shit I write I can pretty much vent without anyone caring
So it all started out probably when my girlfriend bailed out on my little, "Hey lets have sex" plan
I did have it almost figured out but then reality struck and she is pretty much busy every fucking day of the fucking week
Horrible start.
But it gets better, no really... the good part was that she promised me at least to 3rd... base that is
So goody for me :)
The next thing would probably be on this actual day. It started out with me going to a Thanksgiving football game because my girlfriend had, "Plans". Little did I know so did my brother. He didn't drop me off like I wanted him to, he came along and met up with some old friends... They are cool guys and that day they taught me something. When I was with them, just us friends, I was having a good time. Then my gf texted me.... well... I didn't really want to leave. I knew, or thought I knew how it was gonna go. Talk for a little, awkward silence, makeout. For any other man this would be fine but not for me. I finally figured out what my brothers have been blabbing on about ever since I wrote the post, "To All The MEN Out There". Sex isn't really everything. It's all about getting to know each other, taking it steady and not just jumping into sex... Although I'd really like to. You need to love someone to actually MAKE love. It might just sound like a bunch of bull shit to anyone else but after today... well.... right now it would be yesterday... I actually know what they are saying. Anyway, back to the story. There's something to be said for just kissing and not sticking your tongue in the other persons mouth every fucking second. I go to my gf and there was no awkward silence, I just kept her laughing and it was kinda nice. But then she kissed me. I almost needed the fucking Heimlich after that piece of crapmuffins kiss. I swear she had doubled my saliva count and she left a good pool of her spit all over my mouth. I almost gagged. I tried to make it just a kiss but it's like her tongue was a battering ram finding its way into my mouth every time I try to keep it out. I ended that little adventure about 5-7 minutes early because I just couldn't handle it. I found my brother and he went home. I wouldn't like to bore you with the intimate details of my spectacular disaster of a mother so I won't. Frankly, I'm just to lazy to write about that.... It could possibly be a whole post of its own.
Dinner time had come and we left. We go to a friends house every year and eat there. There lives the most gorgeous being alive. Think of... uhh... the most beautiful (not hot) beautiful thing alive. Multiply that by five.... make it ten and then turn it Asian. That lies the most beautiful, smart, athletic, humorous, did I mention beautiful person in the whole world. Now everyone must be wondering, "Why not ask her out?". Well I'll tell you why. She is a year older than me. Just a year I know but to women, a year can be like 10 years. I'm in high school. Upperclassmen girls just don't go out with underclassmen boys. But I've decided that I really don't care. I've watched the movie Valentines Day 2-5 times because I have nothing else to do with my worthless life and I decided I will wait until then, Valentines Day, then I will... or attempt to tell her about herself... complicated? Life's complicated.
Since I'm going on about it, I might as well enlighten whoever reads about the story of how we met and how I began to have hormones. We were only friends because our older brothers were best friends and our parents just kinda made it possible to hang out together. Soon enough, we became good friends as well. Then I felt it for the first time. No, not a boner. In lack of a better term, "When your heart goes, BUMBUM BUMBUM" (Line from Valentine's Day). I remember it so well (FLASHBAAAAACK!) we were playing basketball and the ball rolled down a hill that we had at our old house. I went to go get it and she quoted Finding Nemo. She was calling me squishy. I didn't know it then but I liked it when she did, it was kind of like a pet name for me.... Then I moved.... across the country.... Then I moved back but in the town over. We go to the same school but it feels like that God damn move killed any chance that I had with her. Now I'm stuck with my gf with more saliva then a dog.
The worst part of it was. We went to see a movie... and not even a good-bye at the end. Not even the slightest hug or anything.

So there it is
I went from flabby to horny to possibly in love (I would say that I actually am in love.... but its more like deep like.... Love doesn't exist at my age)

Laugh at me and you die

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Havent posted in a while.. probably because I was procrastinating. If they had an Olympic procrastination, I would be a Gold Metal Winner! Why is Gold Metal Winner all in caps... I really don't know
But anyway, I live in a family of musicians, my mom is an average singer when she is singing to Bollywood music
My brother, my eldest one, is one of the most talented and driven guitar players I've ever seen
He actually performs and stuff and hes got CD's and a facebook page (I'm totally not advertising for him... NOT!) it's!/pages/MKS/24965172254
and hes got a myspace page.. I don't really have a myspace because I'm too lazy to go and get one.
My dad used to play drums for a band of him and his friends but now he, in my middle brother's terms, "Can't keep a beat"
But my dad can do other things that are cooler like fly a plane and shit.
I can sing... kinda. I find myself making rhythms in the middle of class that all my teachers fucking hate, one thought of duck taping my hands to my lap but then I would still be able to move my fingers. And I find myself rapping to Eminem as well. Only because it's a nice beat... and I happen to be one of those people who likes Eminem but Eminem dislikes.
My middle brother.. well.... he does rock out... On a plastic guitar
He owns at Guitar Hero but he really doesn't play anything. He sings in the car but that's pretty much all he does in terms of music. But give him a song to play and a plastic guitar and he will fuck that song like it was your mother... or just you... it really depends. Too far? Ya too far.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I just want to thank you

So, This kinda seems like a suicide note, but it's not. I just want to say thank you to the many people that have changed my life before I turn into a monstrous douchebag and nobody wants to hang out with me. I used aliases in case one person doesn't want to be named
Morgan Freeman's Doenuts:
Well... You know I had a crush on you in 8th grade and your really nice. I just wanna thank you for talking, just talking to me about your problems and I know that I can always count on you with mine.

Brothers: You guys are the best brothers and person can have and, even though I am a dutchbag(Haha) sometimes I know that you guys will always love me and me you.

Brother Root: Yes, you are not my brother but you are like one and I know that you will keep all my secrets and I you. You are the best friend any guy can ask for and Mother Sankey is lucky to have you as her boyfriend.

Sunny-D: Even though you are a jerk at times, You are the coolest friend I have and I thank you for that.

Bisexual Handlebars: I know right now we are not getting along, but I want you to know that you are like a mother to me, plus you have taught me things that my own mother wouldn't... At least not without making it all awkward.

Kavycakes (Yes, a really bad alias but you can live with it): You really helped me get over the whole emo thing, even if it did make me kinda depressed for a whole week after. I also want you to know that I totally get it if you don't want to talk to me again :)

dtsyzev23: You asked me out over the internet and you opened my eyes that maybe some girls can like me because of my personality.

Anime Eyes: For being a good friend, and not being interested in anyone at the moment? i don't really know but you make me feel good with your glorious hugs of awesometude.... No that is not a word... damn you spell check.

That's about all I can think of right now... sooo... ya...

Friday, October 8, 2010


Oh yes... I am so mortified because of this
So, I was taking a test, you know, minding my own business and I finished so I turned it in and went to the bathroom, unfortunatly, God fucking hates me and made me go into the GIRLS bathroom!
No, that's not it.
You see, I figure, "I can't walk out! People will say, 'Why is a GUY going out of the GIRLS bathroom?' Oh man, what do I do?"
So I go into a stall and lock the door and stand on the toilet and lean against the wall, that way nobody would see me.
I sit there for what felt like 20 minutes and send a text to everyone I can trust saying. "HELP ME!" unfortunately, there are NO BARS in the fucking girls bathroom. This is topped by a bunch of girls going into the bathroom, all of which know me and dislike me to a degree! They say:
Girl #1: "Why is this stall locked?"
G#2: "Is anyone in there?" *Knock Knock Knock* At this point I'm so traumatized that I can't say anything so one says:
"What's going on?"
"I don't know, jump over and check." JUMP OVER AND CHECK!? NOOOOO!!!!
So this girl jumps over and makes perfect eye contact with me for like .5 seconds and she realizes it's me.
Then, to make this even harder, they all leave to go shout it to the world, next thing I know, they have breed to make twice as many girls! But while they left, I used my super ninja skills to jump over the stall and get into the next one. I lock that one and make sure if they see me, they won't know it's me. Like that will help now. So they try to open a channel of communication:
Girls, "Why are you in there?"
To this I type on my phone so that they won't hear my voice: HELP ME!
Girls, "Ok, you can come out, we won't, like, ridicule you or anything."
Oh, ya right, that was total bull, so I take their idea and twist in my own way, I zip up my sweatshirt, put up my hood and stick my hands in my pockets so that no skin is showing and I exit the stall backwards, leave backwards and RUN!
I make it so far that I can finally go upstairs to my locker, In my locker I have a wardrobe of sweatshirts and I trade in the evidence for a new sweatshirt and gradually walk back to my classroom, little did I know, class was about over and word spread of their suspicions. Then, class ended with me still not there and everyone was just like, "Way to go." But, I, being the amazing actor that I am, played dumb and hopefully no girl that was there will ever know my story... But my "friends" have probably told the whole school... and it JUST happened.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The countless forms of the "Drvie By"

So, one day I was having a conversation with one of my friends about the countless numbers of drive by... that we have done
A drive by... can be anything

For example, I do the drive by, "sup"
I close in on my target and when they walk past I say, "Sup"
They don't even know who is was, the crazy person that said it, but it was there... They didn't know if it was directed at them but they look behind them and try to find out who it was, no knowing that they just got hit by a drive by, "sup"

The next type of drive by is the less ninja...y drive by hug
This requires a vast amount of aim, not to high... and DEFINITELY not to low. To high and you hit the neck or face, 2 places one doesn't want to get hugged. To low and, if it's a girl, you hit the breasts, also a bad idea unless you are a girl. And (Ya I just started a sentence with "and" what are YOU gonna do about it?) if you go lower and get the stomach, it's kind of awkward to get your arm around the other person so aim for the upper chest area, higher than the boobs. So, just like the last one, aim, put one arm out and wrap. Drive by hug

The next type of drive by is the ever so mean to the person you are doing it to, drive by elbow bump/punch. Use it wisely, it is only for people you really hate. Or people you are mad at and want to say, "Hey, you, ya you, I am angry at you for a reason. grrr?" So. Aim, and put the elbow out just enough so it can make a hard impact with the other person's arm to inflict pain. Speed up if necessary. They will always know what has hit them... Ya, that's what I said.

And, best for last... But probably not the actual last because I'll probably make edits later. The drive by high five/ low five/ fist bump/ brother hug/ STAB IN THE FACE! One must be vigilant and do these only with people who know you and know the different hand gestures. An about chest level hand out almost like a hand shake but hand wide open is the brother hug. A hand down low and to your direction is the low five and a hand that is up is a high five. A hand that is in a fist and coming toward you at shoulder length is the fist bump and lastly, a hand that is in a fist in the opposite direction of you that looks like it has a knife in it's hand is a STAB IN THE FACE! My recommendation, kill yourself before they do ^.^

My signature: The Drive By Drum On Head
Walk past and drum on their head... ya... not really complicated

Saturday, October 2, 2010

To all the MEN out there

Well... I made one for women, now for men
This is gonna be really small considering that I only know like basics, I'll probably edit later once I get a feminine opinion

1. Most important but kinda redundant: SEX JOKES AREN'T FUNNY TO THEM
Some, sure if your just friends but if your with a girl who you find hot, lay off the sex jokes

2. Nowadays, women are all really into not getting raped so if you ask a girl just because you think she's cute and she doesn't know you well enough, She will think you are going to rape her, or your a "stalker"

3. Don't date a girl just for sex, I'm being a little... ok more than a little... ok A LOT hypocritical but hey, They don't know it... uhh... ya... don't date for sex

4. Women like the classy male, one who opens the door for them, compliments them on their clothes and all that crap so be that classy guy, no matter how emasculating it may seem to you

5. No girl wants to have sex from the ages of like 1-15/16/17.... so in that time, even if they aren't, all girls are abstinent. be patient, her pants will come off soon

6. Girls think gay guys make the best boyfriends so.... I don't know... be gay? There is a song about it so it must be true

7. Ninja attack hugs are not always recommended

8. If one of your friends comes up to you and asks you to hang out some time and you say no and they're all like, "Bros before hoes" Remember, Screw the Rules! (Copied from Yu Gi Oh Abridged)

9. Take an interest in what they are saying, listening is one of the most important things to a girl

Get the balls to ask out a girl before she's taken. Don't be a pussy

11. Macho-ness doesn't work anymore

12. You will get rejected.. A LOT
Just get back up when you do and try again ^.^

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Crazy Religious Views

So, These are my weird ass religious views... They are probably all right so prepare to be BLOWN AWAY!
Ok so in the beginning, there was nothing but God then he got bored and said
"Dude... I'm fucking BORED! I'm gonna make universe... ya... with little people and everything"
So he poked the nothingness and BOOM, Big Bang.
Then everything became and shit and all that good stuff happened and then God, after making the earth in 6 days said on the 7th
"Fuck... this is still boring! HA! I'll make a bunch of stupid beings that think that they're the smartest being on earth when it's really the dolphins... And they'll try to understand the world in the futile attempt to be smarter! Losers.... That's what I'll call them... Or Humans... either one...."
So he made Adam for a laugh then Adam was all,
"Yo, Dawg, I'm lonely and shit and this leaf itches!"
So God made Eve out of Adam's rib and made ferns aswell
Now, God only had one condition, Don't eat the fucking apple!
But horny little Adam and Eve just HAD to go for the apple. Now I don't think that the apple actually gave them the knowledge to have sex, I think it went like this:
(While eating apple) Adam: "Hey... what that for?" *Points at Eve's vagina*
Eve: "I really have no clue, it's kind of like a whole... I can stick shit in it and stuff..."
Adam: Maybe it's a storage area
Eve: Maybe it's not! It's not that big, stupid... What's that for? *Points to Adam's dick*
Adam: I don't really know, I piss with it and I can pretty much stick it in anything big enough...
Eve: Oh... hmm...
Adam: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Eve: No... I don't think I am... What are you thinking?
Adam: Maybe my long thing goes into your hole...
Eve: But it's all floppy... I don't think so
Adam: Wait a sec, it gets bigger with time
Eve: Oh really?
Adam: Ya... Look, there it is! Ok lets try
Eve: I don't think I want it in me
Adam: Oh C'mon! It'll be fine

My feelings about God:
God is a prick... But he's one of those guys that can be nice at times, but other times hes a complete prick

My views on heaven:
Good place... Although... Islamic culture says that there are virgins there for you... never said weather they are strait or of the opposite gender.... Shit I'm screwed....
It's probably like a place where happiness is eternal and all that but hey, maybe we will just die into nothingness but we wouldn't know b/c we're dead so ya... you can always think of it that way...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To all the Women out there

So, one day, I was just sitting, watching T.V. like always and I thought, Do Women ever think about what turns us on like we do them?
The answer is not exactly clear to me so, If anyone out in the big bad world is reading this, you can go ahead and answer that question

Anyway, for now, I assume that the answer is YES so, to educate some women and aggravate others, Here are:

1. Men love boobies. In fact, the first thing a guy looks at is your chest so if you have big ones, I recommend showing some (But not too much as to keep us interested) cleavage. If you don't have big breasts, I suggest stuffing ur bra (Too much?)

2. Your head structure, face, hair, everything is a big part of what makes a guy like you. Make sure your face is SPOTLESS! I can't stress that enough. If you have acne all over your face, or maybe even one blemish, you are butt ugly. Get proactive or whatever, clear you face. Hair is also important. It's like the jelly (Or marshmallows, whatever floats your boat) to your peanut butter (PB being your face, in case you didn't catch that) It is so important to always have good hair, but I think you knew that already

3. If you are going out with a guy and you are abstinent, don't tell him. Keep the little hope alive that he will get some action, even if he won't. It keeps him happy, and you from being single.

4. Guys have a... delusional superiority over women, we think that whatever we do, u will follow.... That's putting it too nicely... Basically, we think you should still be in the kitchen. Although we all know never to say that to your face (Which is y I'm being a pussy about it and staying safely behind my comp). What I'm trying to say is that we like out delusions, let us swim in it. Don't put us down, don't notice our flaws in front of us and ESPECIALLY don't insult us in any way, unless we know your kidding ^.^' Guys are fragile, even though we don't let on, we have feelings too, ok?

5. I'm sure most women have heard that us guys have a saying, "The dreaded 'L' word". It's not just movie mumbo-jumbo. It exists. Don't ever say that word, If you do we will do one of 3 things: 1. CUT AND RUN! 2. Think that we can do anything we want with you and pretty much take as much advantage as we can and, when we don't get what we want, we dump you, hanging the "L" word over your head, MWAHAHAHAHA! 3. We will live w/ it, never saying it back to you but living with it because we actually care about you... awww... pussy. But I know you may be wondering, "Y, oh Y don't men say it?" Well, my love, Men don't say it because we pretty much think that if we say it first you will treat us like your bitch and keep us in this relationship, even when we want to break up with you. And the guys that say it are really soft guys and don't want to, "Hurt your feelings" or whatever by breaking up with you...

6. Guys are like crying little brats, don't deny it, we are. When we don't get what we want, we drop you, or think of it.

7. Tanning is important. I, personally, hate it when I see some girls legs and you can see her veins and shit, it's disgusting and a total turn off so, if you have those kinds of legs, Get a tan, spray or natural we don't care, It's just terrible if u don't

If you are insulted or you have any disagreements with this post, comment NICELY or I won't listen. You can try to e-mail me but I don't check it that much... anyway, This is not for those who get insulted easily or for people who just dislike me ^.^
This probably should have gone at the top but I really don't care

New pro tip: Get your teeth whitened and loose some weight... couldn't hurt

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things that I'm paranoid about

So far, I've posted many level headed things, but there is a dark side. I'm paranoid about a bunch of things O.O
1. Zombies: I know they're real, you just need to wait for the right time...
I always picturing it going like this: I'm sitting in my couch, watching T.V like a lazy person... oh wait, I AM one ^.^
So, I'm watching T.V and the zombies crowd around my house without me noticing. I look to my right? no left... no, I was right, It's right. I look to my right because I see some movement and see a bunch of dead people with a lot of blood all over them and one smashes the window and I run into the basement to get my Zombie Preparedness Kit (I actually have one, I'm not kidding It consists of 2 baseball bats, band-aid tape, a sleeping bag, and the knife that is now in the kitchen... my mom took it away :(... ) and start killing zombies on my way to get upstairs, I may not make it, we'll figure that out when the invasion begins. I run upstairs and open my window that doesn't have a screen on it b/c I left it that way. I then can jump out of my house and get to my bike, or my mom/dad's car If necessary. From there I can... well... I haven't really gotten that far...

2. Ohio: Yes, Ohio the state, I have had a Paranoia about that state since the 7th grade. I feel that that will be where the invasion starts. It is also the state that just SOUNDS like it'll steal away all your friends, doesn't it OHIO, the demon state (No offense if your from there... My paranoia...)

3. Carbon Monoxide sensors: I always feel that the government or some really big company has sold us these sensors that don't actually work so, when they extinguish the population of USA, they will kill us all with Carbon Monoxide and our sensors won't go off. It's all a conspiracy

4. Fires: Although I am quite the pyro, I know that there will be a fire when I am sleeping and I will become roasted over night

5. Lin Biao, Elvis Presley, JFK, Amelia Earhart: They are all not dead... much.... They all are in Taiwan living it up... not much of a paranoid thing, just a conspiracy...that is TRUE

6. Everyone that claims to be a girl online: I always think that they are fat guys at home... with strange fetishes... If u actually are a girl, that's great but u can't prove it

7. Churches: All I'm gonna say is that I just don't like abstinence... I Disagree... The churches are trying to rid the earth of reproduction EVERYWHERE! What? I didn't say anything... what're you talking about... silly children

8. My future wife: She will probably die in no way that I can prove.... Why?! WHYYYY!?!?! Although.. I don't actually have any plans for getting married...

So ya, that's pretty much all of my paranoias so... sleep tight(?)...

9. This hallway in my school that looks like it's from a slasher movie:
I keep thinking Jason is gonna kill me when I go in there...

10. Rodents: They seem cute and cuddly, but they're either plotting to RULE THE WORLD... or they're just gonna eat ur face off....

Monday, September 13, 2010


Ask any of my friends what they think of me, any one of them and you might get, "He's a total player"
I don't really pride myself on that (When the time doesn't demand that I do)
But I do think that I have some characteristics of one
For one, like any high schooler, I am into having sex, haven't gotten any for myself... yet... but all guys are into it and so am I. Another reason is that I simply love women. What about them?... well... probably, once again like any other high schooler, their breasts. But there are some girls that I find attractive because of pure looks and body (Is that shallow?)
But what I don't get it is why am I a player? I've had 3 girlfriends so far and that's it. really? I'm not the player type, or so I thought.
So, last week I broke up with my girlfriend, why? well... for utterly shallow reasons that I won't explain right now... or ever... to anyone that isn't a guy...
The next day I go into science (Most boring subject ever) and see that the girl right in front of me is really hot! Any guy would make this observation, even if he was dating someone (So watch out girls). Anyway, I make this observation and I find myself calculating a plan to get her to go out with me... so far it's working... (Desperate?) Anyway anyway, the player part of this is that the whole time I'm doing this master plan, I'm also looking at every other girl and cleverly calculating a plan for them, which all are in motion... That's why I think I'm a player... That and while I was dating girlfriend #3, I kissed another girl... and got licked by a different one ^.^'

Dude! Fucking bitch rejected me!
So, While I was writing this one, I was hitting on potential girlfriend #4, I asked her out and she said no!
No, she's not a bitch... but who can reject THIS! *Motions to face*
I'm fucking beautiful!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My brother is a douchebag

So, I'm sleeping off a good week of school and my mother just pops into my room and wakes me up.
Mom,"Honey, I'm going to pick your brother up from the hospital." This gets my attention
Me, "Why ever would you do that, mother?"
Mom,"Well... He ODed on alcohol."
My first reaction: NICE! MY BROTHER'S A PARTYER!!!!
So, she leaves and I fall back asleep where I dream things that no man can understand!
Then, I am ever so rudely woken up again by the telephone, we have one of them super ultra talky telephone things where the caller phone will say the caller ID and terribly mispronounce it. Anyway so the caller ID thingy says, "Blah Blah Medicare" I get up and walk groggily toward the phone and notice that it's say MEDICAL not medablahblah so I pick it up and some nurse with a cute voice says
Cute nurse voice person,"Hello, is--"
I cut her off, "Ya, she's on her way." Now I'm thinking, my 17 year old brother, who is not of drinking age where we live, is drinking and he ODed on the shit... wow... he can't handle his liquor... Is he ok?
So I ask the cute voiced lady, "Hey baby, what say we go out and grab a coffee later?"... ok so I didn't really hit on a girl over the phone, I'm not that desperate. So I ask, "Is he ok?" and she's all, "Ya, he's fine, he's just waiting for his mom to pick him up."
He won't be fine when I get through with him... dork...
Now, getting drunk and trowing up and having sex with no condom all I'm fine with... the sex didn't happen... well... not that I know of anyway... but getting CAUGHT?!?! I thought he was better than that. One rule with me and my brothers. Do whatever you want just don't get caught.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Holy Crap a New Blog!

Yo... watsup?
How are you?
Do you realize this is my first blog post and it's about 1:33am?
That's what I hate about the time, no matter what you want to do about it, it just keeps on moving. Damn you mister time.... Damn you to hell... No matter, I shall fix this by sleeping when I feel like sleeping of course work and school might be an issue but I shall prevail.
Here I am rambling on and on about how I hate time. Wait... Aren't I supposed to do that? This is a blog I guess... I don't really know how I'm supposed to go about writing this...
Maybe I should tell you a little anecdote about how I came to finally write one, yes?
Well, like many things, it all started on facebook. I was looking through my front page which many people do when they're bored and found this strange link to this weirdo site called, "Hyperbole and a half" whatever the fuck that means. Anyway, I go and click on the link and find this funny little article on how this one man/woman (I wasn't really sure about then but I highly expected a woman) hates the words, "a lot" because some people spell it, "alot" like me, most of the time. Strangely enough, it made me laugh to find how she deals with the people like myself who have spelling issues. She had created this beast that she has named the Alot so that when people would type, "I love to draw alot" she/he would in vision someone drawing an alot and loving it. Sensationally funny and interesting at the same time. I kept on reading for about a month then I decided to comment on her material. I found that little "comment" button and out pops this crazy little form that says "Would you like to post anonymously?" or "Sign in to comment" at that time I was way too lazy to actually create a blog so I went with the anonymous comment, which I think she didn't get or care about b/c it was a very sarcastic comment, but anyway It got me thinking, "I might have some things to post on a blog... Why not start one?" I'm pretty sure that the girl/boy who made that quaint little blog used the Leanardo DiCaprio power of inception and planted the idea in my head but hey, I'll just have to live with it... haha, funny joke if you saw the movie...
So ya, this is my blog that I named:
Well... because I say that alot(Funnyjoke) and well... I have a strange but maybe interesting mind (And I need to get used to writing a lot for the big English papers like the one I'm gonna have to write for college...)