Friday, October 8, 2010


Oh yes... I am so mortified because of this
So, I was taking a test, you know, minding my own business and I finished so I turned it in and went to the bathroom, unfortunatly, God fucking hates me and made me go into the GIRLS bathroom!
No, that's not it.
You see, I figure, "I can't walk out! People will say, 'Why is a GUY going out of the GIRLS bathroom?' Oh man, what do I do?"
So I go into a stall and lock the door and stand on the toilet and lean against the wall, that way nobody would see me.
I sit there for what felt like 20 minutes and send a text to everyone I can trust saying. "HELP ME!" unfortunately, there are NO BARS in the fucking girls bathroom. This is topped by a bunch of girls going into the bathroom, all of which know me and dislike me to a degree! They say:
Girl #1: "Why is this stall locked?"
G#2: "Is anyone in there?" *Knock Knock Knock* At this point I'm so traumatized that I can't say anything so one says:
"What's going on?"
"I don't know, jump over and check." JUMP OVER AND CHECK!? NOOOOO!!!!
So this girl jumps over and makes perfect eye contact with me for like .5 seconds and she realizes it's me.
Then, to make this even harder, they all leave to go shout it to the world, next thing I know, they have breed to make twice as many girls! But while they left, I used my super ninja skills to jump over the stall and get into the next one. I lock that one and make sure if they see me, they won't know it's me. Like that will help now. So they try to open a channel of communication:
Girls, "Why are you in there?"
To this I type on my phone so that they won't hear my voice: HELP ME!
Girls, "Ok, you can come out, we won't, like, ridicule you or anything."
Oh, ya right, that was total bull, so I take their idea and twist in my own way, I zip up my sweatshirt, put up my hood and stick my hands in my pockets so that no skin is showing and I exit the stall backwards, leave backwards and RUN!
I make it so far that I can finally go upstairs to my locker, In my locker I have a wardrobe of sweatshirts and I trade in the evidence for a new sweatshirt and gradually walk back to my classroom, little did I know, class was about over and word spread of their suspicions. Then, class ended with me still not there and everyone was just like, "Way to go." But, I, being the amazing actor that I am, played dumb and hopefully no girl that was there will ever know my story... But my "friends" have probably told the whole school... and it JUST happened.

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